Christmas is the feast of hearts, a love ceremony where a welcoming feast is enjoyed together. We light candles, both physically and also in the human sense.

If we look around the world, there is plenty of turmoil and trouble. Light and compassion are greatly needed.
People all over the world look at the state of the world and ask, “What can I do to help?” Indigenous ceremonial leader Arkan Lushwala answers this question from an earth-based perspective:
”The answer to ”What can I do”?
Speaking about what is happening on Earth right now
Many of the conditions of life, that we used to take for granted now are really out of balance.
Hopefully we still have time to get it back into balance so life may continue.
I travel around the world and meet people and talk to people from all different cultures, and everywhere people ask: ” What can we do?”
The question, what can we do, is the second question.
The first question is ”What can we be?”
Because what you can do is a consequence of who you are.
Once you know what you can be, you know what you can do, and we cannot afford wasting time, we have little time.
We need to be precise now.
When someone sincerely asks ”what can I do?” my humble answer , the only answer I find in my heart to be sincere is: ”First, find out what you can be”.
Action is extremly necessary at this time. This is not the time to talk about it. The most spiritual thing now is action.
To do something about what is happening. To go help where help is needed. To stand up and protect what is being damaged.
And still, this action needs to be born from a place in ourselves that has real talent, real intelligense, real power, real connection to the heart of the Earth, to universal wisdom, so our actions are not a waste of time, so our actions are precise, so our actions are in harmony with the movement, that sacred movement of the force that wants to renew life here on Earth and make it better for the following generations.”

Turn on the lights in each other and love life. Merry Christmas <3

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