Renewals are in the air, and I am filled with gratitude for living in these times where we are taking some proper and necessary quantum leaps. We are under pressure, not only by the climate and environmental conditions, but also by our way of dealing with each other.
I met Alberto Villoldo last year at the Omega Center upstate New York, United States at a shamanic initiation and light ceremony. It was truly an enriching experience, which has given me peace and hope in the future. Every week he broadcasts “Shaman View – The news from the invisible world”(You can find it on YouTube). The talk about “The Shaman’s tool for living without enemies in this world – and the next,” I find so exciting that I want to share it with you – in extracts:

We can trace us back to United States to the slavery and the reliance on slaves to build the railroads whether they will be the Africans, Chinese or Native Americans to create the cities like San Francisco. Railroads were laid by the slaves from Africa, which we need to honour. We need to recognise that this system that was build on slavery is doomed and is collapsing around us. But even before that, we need to look at the system that developed this result of our mythology. We have the only mythology in the planet, where we were kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Nobody else was kicked out of Paradise. Neither the Aborigines, the Sub-saharan Africans, the Native Americans were kicked out. They were given the garden to be the stewards and the caretakers. They did not plunder and damage like the white man has done, basically, like the western mind set – because it is not the matter of skin colour, that is secondary, it is the Western mindset, that has allowed and has continued to allow the plunder and damage of Mother Earth. We are actually killing our own mother.
Mythology with new possibilities
For the shamans this is the time for renewal, a tremendous opportunity. I remember asking an old man that I worked with in the Peruvian Andes, and by the way, I am a shaman trained for 25 years among the shamans, I am a shaman with a PhD, so that people listen to me a little bit more, when I tell them I am Doctor Shaman, not just rattles and feathers, which we also use. I asked this Old man, whom I was studying as an anthropologist: Were your people devastated by the conquistadors by the conquest? He said to me, it was not the conquistador that destroyed us; it was the plagues that they brought; the small pox, the viruses that decimated our people.
But for us it became a time to find the opportunity in the danger. How do we turn this into a time of opportunity, not simply the time of grief and mourning that we are still going through in the Native Americans? So the shamans always look for opportunity. What is this invitation from the universe to do? What is spirit inviting us to do today? That is different from just waiting for the cure or just waiting for things to get back to normal? What is the opportunity? From the shamans standpoint the opportunity is to become a new human, it is to take a quantum leap becoming a new human, different from the human that walked the earth the last three million years, to evolve within our species and not by losing a species, not by dying a massive die off, but by taking a evolutionary quantum leap. Mythologically speaking it is about the return to the Garden of Eden.

So the gates of Hell have been flung open, but also the gates of Heaven have been flung open, and it is our opportunity now to make our way back to the Garden of Eden and taste the fruits of the second tree. The second tree is the life of immortality, a tree of immortality. It is a tree of life truly where we are no longer haunted by death. Many of us are finding it very tempting to take this literally. Hey, we are not only going to heal cancer, heart disease, dementia and Alzheimer’s, we are going to heal death itself. Well, science is coming close to that. We are looking at old age not as an inevitable process, but as an illness that we can actually treat.
Shamans have been aware of this for a very long time. They know we can grow a new body. We can regenerate. There are only three species on the planet out of the forty million species, which do not have death programmed into their DNA. These are the three species: Humans, Dolphins and Whales. It turns out that these are the three species, where females are allowed to live into menopause, to become a wise grandmother. In every other species in nature, as soon as she is done bearing children, carrying out the biological agenda, she is eliminated, but not among Humans. The grandmothers are wisdom keepers. The grandmother will teach the young ones how to speak, communicate and behave.
We are actually able to make our way back to the Garden of Eden and re-establish that ancient contract, which we made with the Great Spirit; that ancient contract where we were banished from our natural selves. Where we were cast into a world where we haunted by death.

Healthy Relations
Now, it is interesting that the shamans I have been studying with – and I firmly believe this, and I know it in my own life – that there is no difference from being killed by a microbe and being killed by a Jaguar. It is exactly the same thing. For us in the West being killed by a microbe is an illness. We have antibiotics and medication, and antivirals. Being killed by jaguar is bad luck – it is an accident. For shamans it is the same thing – you have to be in a good relationship with microbes and jaguars. Otherwise they are both going to look at you as lunch. So the right relationship becomes the pathway for becoming this new human: Right relationship with nature, right relationship with our history, which is a terrible, terrible tale of violence, abuse and exploitation against people of colour and against women. Even today we see that in the new religion, that we call science, which is masculine macho reductionist exclusion of women. Why is it that twice as many women as men get Alzheimer’s? Why is it that no medication has been tested on women? Because they are unpredictable they have babies, cycles and periods. Only recently that has changed.
Knowledge vs. Wisdom
We need a new mythology; we need to make our way back to the Garden of Eden. We need to renounce the gifts that we received, which are the gift of supposed knowledge, really not deep knowledge, it is not wisdom, it is simple information.
As the Shamans say, you need to be able to not be seduced by this kind of knowledge, by the facts we have available to us through the Internet, which is fantastic and we use it every day. Not to confuse information with wisdom.
Information is knowing that water is H2O. Wisdom is being able to make it rain. Information is knowing a diagnosis. Wisdom is being able to heal. Information is knowing the crisis we are in, wondering where the virus was made. Wisdom is to create health to be healthy.
Wisdom is Sophia – the feminine. Wisdom is the ancient medicine of the sacred feminine. This is part of the great soul retrieval, where we storm heaven, we go back, to taste the second fruit.
We begin to practice fearlessness, because we are no longer haunted by death. It is not that we become physically immortal, it is simply that we are no longer in the grip of fear. Because the ultimate fear is of course death. You befriend death. You defy death. You know that death is simply a doorway.

Fear and enemies
Until we do that, we are going to be projecting our shadows, our dark sides on to the other. We are going to see the other as an enemy. We are going to not recognize that the enemy is us – within us – we need to heal that.
We are going to be seeing all the demons and monsters losing the world and believing that they are the problem. Forgetting that you cannot battle them. Because if you battle them, you end up bloody and sore. You go back to your tent, clean up the blood and sharpen the sword for another day of battle. There are no victories. These demons have no power. This is what the shamans realize, that nothing that needs to hide in the dark has any authentic power of its own. We do not do battle – we know these demons need a little love and food. We feed our demons instead of battling them and they become allies. They teach us where we need to heal. It is a great opportunity that we are living through today.

Light and fire ceremony
Every time we meet we do our Fire Ceremony. I would like to invite you to light your candle, light your fire. Do it with me now, if you like, or you can do it at home with a candle, with a fire, or go outside and light a bonfire. I would like you to blow into your offering. The shamans speak about this offering as a Death Arrow. That what needs to die, so that those things that is ready to be born, can spring forward and come to life.
This is a Death Arrow. We blow into it, what it is that is ready to die. What has to die – let go. Ready to die – stories of our past. Shedding of all our past, like a serpent shedding her skin, which is all at once.
Have you ever watched a serpent shed her skin, the skin from her body will become loose, she will be dragging the skin around, then she finds two rocks that she can wedge her head between, because it is the skin of the head, which is the hardest to let go of. Wedge your head between two rocks, and pull out the skin of your head. I invite you to let go of your head also. Let go of your mind, so that you can lose your mind and come to your senses.
Come to that relationship with the Feminine and with the Earth. We are ready to let go of it all, not bring the good with us and leave the bad behind.
Let it all go. Let go of the past.
This is the time of the great renewal according to the prophecies. As we shed, we create the space; we empty the vessel for that wishes to come. Releasing all this need for monsters, demons and battles, and the dark history of our past. Letting it go, shedding it. Returning it into the light, into the fire.
This is the time. If we do not do it with the fire, it’s going to be done for us. Nature and the time we are living in are stripping us of everything that is not of Essence. When we do it symbolically in the fire, we do not have to suffer the process literally. Take it to the fire. Embrace this time of great change as a time of opportunity. You know the caterpillar does not like it, when the changes are happening inside the tight cocoon. They are been torn open in the chest, their ribcage is exploding, and they know something is about to emerge, they are terrified, they do not know what it is, and they let go into the process. Then the butterfly emerges. Then we can spread our wings. If you try to spread your wings before the transformation, you simply fall out of the cocoon. Go through it. Then spread your wings. Let your beauty show. Thank you for joining me.”