“Happiness does not just lie at the end of a very long flight. We must help each other in how we experience things, without destroying the air that we breathe and the life that we live….”

says Jytte Abildstrøm, my childhood hero, theatre director, entertainer, environmental activist and a truly passionate spirit.

I wonder if readers remember ‘ Sonja fra Saxogade’, where Jytte Abildstrøm plays Sonja’s absent-minded and demanding mother Norma, who has big puffy hair? Or Svend, Knud and Valdemar, Tyllefyllebølleby Banegård, Flyvende Farmor? Only to name a few of the many performances and tv series for small and grown up children in Denmark, which Jytte has starred in over six decades.

Jytte Abildstrøm is now 85 years old and since the 80’s has stood up as a front figure in the fight for our environment and an advocate for the use of organic products. She lives in an organic community for senior citizens in Roskilde, where the houses are built from wood, insulated with paper wool and a roof that is equipped with solar panels. The community washes it’s clothes in rainwater, and the toilets are compost toilets which collect the urine so that it can be used to fertilize the fields. That is what you call ‘walk the talk’. Jytte is in and of herself the message for organic materials, presence and creativity.

I decided to share this little interview with Jytte, as I think she hits the nail on the head. Look inwards and find the simple and close and drop the crazy race for wealth. First and foremost find the humour – it calms and brings a new perspective on life. Presence, Humour and Happiness could not be more relevant. Enjoy hearing the grass grow, looking at the ladybird on a leaf, listen to a raindrop landing in a puddle, make animals from chestnuts and matches, recognise bird calls, feel the wind, sunlight on your face and many many other amazing things. Thank you for great inspiration, dear Jytte.
“Happiness does not just lie at the end of a very long flight. We must help each other in how we experience things, without destroying the air that we breathe and the life that we live. Because, when the plane starts, it is the same as 30.000 VW cars starting and sending out emissions into the air. Instead of yelling at people and telling them not to fly, I say this; Have you ever realised that you can experience just as much by sitting in a small garden in a small chair, the same way that I am right now?And read a beautiful poem: May I take your hand, now that it smells of hay?…

It is a question of experiences, right? Look at a poppy instead of something else – yes!

”Weath is something I never really understood. We need to be cautious not to get too expensive for one another. And we must make sure that we don’t let money rule us. We are missing journalists who write about how you get a beautiful and lovely future by calming down and taking it a little easier. There. A holistic life. We have to make it all work together. Earth, wind, water and fire. And that is what we need to encourage all schools, education centers and universities to do – to think in that direction. They must be role models. And all of the government should get a kick from behind, because the place from which you rule a country must be a sustainable construction which is self sufficient in energy, cleans it’s excess water and gets organic foods. There. Because if the government gave a good example then the population would listen. Hurray! And let all we elders grab each other’s hand and do more, so that the younger generations don’t have to do it all alone. Additionally we have to support all the education institutions to make sure we get educated in sustainable living. That is it. We have to make an effort in order to get a more beautiful and sustainable future. Good Luck. Kisses and thank you from an old entertainer and environmental activist.”

Watch the video here (in Danish) >

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