At the time of writing, I am in my cave. It attacked Spain rather quickly and aggressively, and the serious nature of the situation led the government to order lock down. The world has never been shut down in this manner. The fear of the unknown and not being in control is indeed very stressful. The fear is shown in many ways and we all react differently. The fear makes us wake up, take responsibility and take action. It is important to talk with each other and be there for one another. It is definitely healing to experience the bonds in families, between neighbors, politicians – well, bonds across the whole country. Here, there is daily clapping in the streets in honor of those serving the country and the health care system. The collective singing chimes from the balconies.

We are following the tangible guidelines of staying home, keeping a distance when we are out, washing our hands and coughing/sneezing into our sleeves. There are also many contributing with tips on how we can live in this emotionally and mentally. The most important is to move out of fear and stress so that it doesn’t continue to tear on us as it affects our immune system. When we are scared and stressed, our body goes into fight/flight mode in order to survive. It releases chemical substances which prevent the growth of cells and shuts down the maintenance of the body in order to save energy. This results in weakening the immune system and in the long run can lead to sickness. Dr. Bruce Lipton has described this in his books and in the video “The Chemistry of Love”, which can be found on Youtube:

It is about moving from fear and stress to love, peace and balance. It is much easier said than done and there is no shame in feeling hit by this situation. This is about not neglecting the fear, but embracing it as we do when a child is scared, by being here showing patience, empathy and love.
Focus must be on finding the peace and closeness in the family. Dig down into nourishing activities that do you good and strengthen your life energy (chi). Retire. Feel what is important to you. Breathe deeply, spend time with your family, enjoy a good book, sing, listen to music, watch a good movie, enjoy nature and many other lovely activities that you have always wanted to pursue. Now we have the time and space to do them.
I am definitely enjoying singing danish morning songs with Philip Faber, who daily appears on Danish Television Live and with his kindness, empathy and uplifting spirit makes us all sing loudly together from the bottom of our hearts. It is very soothing and definitely makes my cells dance.
Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system and is proven to reduce stress. There are multiple yoga breath exercises out there. I very much appreciate the methods of the dutchmen Wim Hoff, who guides through 3 rounds of approximately 30 deep breaths with pauses in between that over time can become longer. The body becomes oxygenised and alkaline and gets into an inner peace. On Youtube there is a 10 minute long guide and a free app can also be downloaded.
14 years ago, Anita Moorjani had a near death experience, where she ”died” from cancer and returned to life. Now she shares her insights and has written many books such as; “Dying to be me”. “Love yourself – as if your life depends on it – because it does…” says Anita. On Facebook and Youtube there are many guided meditations by Anita which support being centered in yourself and build up energy (chi) which directly strengthens your immune system.
The world has been paused. A very necessary pause. We have brought ourselves into materialistic overconsumption, where increasing growth, use of resources and mass production isn’t in balance with nature. The globe is choked by pollution and the diversity of species are becoming less and less.
Now we have a breathing space where pollution is lessened. The air over parts of China is clearer under lock down. It is desirable that we in the future live in harmony with nature and each other and that we ARE sustainable in all aspects: In ways of being, thinking and acting.
From crisis, there always comes new and better. It is a good idea with deep retreat breaths, inviting new creative initiatives and preparing to create a world based on sustainability and a new way of being together.

Amidst the seriousness…

A good laugh is good for our health. It releases good endorphins and as Sigurd Barett writes in his song “Where you place your foot”: “When you remember to laugh, the mind opens and the light is let in, we understand through laughter, what rationality can not – it is a sign of love from life, when you dare to laugh”.
A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who is keeping emergency services and the healthcare system going and everyone contributing to a better world. “Care for one another, hang on and team up”.

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