Hvilken menu serverer du for dine celler?
Hovedpersonen i denne historie har ikke selv søgt hjælp i klinikken. Det er en barsk historie, men den bringes med forældrenes fulde opbakning. For – som de siger – der er stof til eftertanke.
DetailsHovedpersonen i denne historie har ikke selv søgt hjælp i klinikken. Det er en barsk historie, men den bringes med forældrenes fulde opbakning. For – som de siger – der er stof til eftertanke.
DetailsThe main character of this story didn’t seek help at the clinic himself. It is a tough story but it is brought to you with the full support of the parents. Because, as they say, it leaves you thinking…
DetailsA young businessman came to the clinic with severe back pains. He had reached down for his bag and out of nowhere he now looked like a crooked version of the number 7.
DetailsI klinikken kom en erhvervsdriftig yngre herre med akut hold i ryggen. Han havde bukket sig ned efter sin taske – smak sagde det så – og han lignede et forvredent syvtal.
DetailsEverybody talks about it – but few actually take action. More than ever people are diagnosed with stress and the serious side effects thereof. That is why stress is starting to become the societal sickness of the century. But we can do something about it – simply by taking the symptoms seriously and being prepared to make appropriate changes.
DetailsJust as our body has a circulatory system, which through small and large arteries and veins transport the blood throughout the body, providing the organs and body with the necessary oxygen and nutrients as well as discarding the waste products, we have a meridian system, providing the body and organs with the necessary life energy.
DetailsIn the past sodium tablets were distributed on the ships which crossed the equator in order to avoid sodium deficiency and dehydration in the strong sun exposure. We need more water the more we sweat. Drinks more water, in smaller portions – do not chug half a liter all at once and then not drink anything for hours afterwards.
DetailsAlle snakker om det – men de færreste gør noget ved det. Flere end nogensinde lider af stress og de alvorlige følgesygdomme. Derfor er stress ved at udvikle sig til dette århundredes store folkesygdom. Men der kan gøres noget ved det – blot man tager symptomerne alvorligt og er villig til at sadle om.