Activation of Stem Cells - Quick healing

I love taking a swim in the ocean, which occasionally results in interaction with jelly fish. Last autumn, I myself was stung by a jellyfish on my arm and got quite a burn.

Last autumn, I myself was stung by a jellyfish on my arm and got quite a burn. There is a lot of good advice – from peeing on the burn, scraping off the poison with a credit card, cleaning it with vinegar, to rinsing it with seawater. I cleaned it as best I could in the water and immediately applied the stem cell activating patches, X-39, as well as pain-reducing patches, in order to soften the burning pains.
As usual it did not look so bad the first afternoon and evening. The next morning it had swollen greatly. I applied some pain-relieving creams and changed the X-39 patches every 12th hour. The burn was on the inside of my arm where the skin is thin and a little fragile; however the healing was highly effective compared with what I have previously experienced.

As you can see in the pictures, it healed after a fairly short period of time. I would think that the healing process was shortened by about ⅓ of the time. My friend was stung the day before. She was also using the X-39 patches and it healed within 24 hours. There is of course a difference in the degree and size of the burn as well as how we react.

Stem cells are the new black
Within the field of regenerative medicine, which focuses on the body’s ability to repair itself, there is a focus on stem cells. Stem cells are cells which can transform into all the other cells, such as liver or muscle cells. We live in a time where, as we get older and older, there is not an unlimited supply of hearts and kidneys for those who need a transplant. Many more get diagnosed with Alzheimers or Dementia, hence the interest in reparation of one’s own cells and tissue – and organs. And this is possible. We hear about clinics, who harvest the patient’s own stem cells from the fat tissue and inject it into an injured knee for example with incredible results. The methods are still fairly uncertain, as there are many ethical considerations relating with the use of stem cells from other individuals, and stem cell treatments are to a large extent not approved in every country and are often highly expensive.
As far back as in 1973, Dr. Loren Pickart found that the copper peptide GHK-Cu had multiple regenerative properties, such as healing and reparation of tissue, creation of new blood vessels and neural connections, increased production of collagen in the skin, decreased inflammation, a help fighting cancer and reparation of the DNA in our cells. Dr. Pickart has since then researched on how concentrations of copper peptide in the body can be increased. The peptide seems toxic when ingested and only works short term when intravenously injected.
Dr. Loren Pickart
David Schmidt
CEO og grundlægger af LifeWave
This is where I believe David Schmidt is something of a genius:
The stem cell activating patch X-39 can, without injecting anything into the body or intake of anything, stimulate and regenerate the body’s existing stem cells. The X-39 patch uses an approved method of light therapy which increases the level of the copper peptide GHK-Cu, that is activating the stem cells in the body.

There have been many studies with the X-39 patch. Dr. Connor researched a group of men and women, who all used the X-39 patch for a week. The research showed a significant decrease in stress hormones and a significant increase in proteins, which helped repair the tissue. In just 7 days the participants experienced better sleep, increased memory, reduction of pains and inflammation and everyone was doing better overall.

Dr. Thornton Streeter has completed a pilot study using X-39 for 6 weeks. He measured many variables such as elasticity of the arteries and veins. The more elastic, the ‘younger’ the tissue. The study showed an improvement in elasticity equal to that of two years rejuvenation.

A new paradigm has begun, and the focus is on stem cells and regenerative medicine through every imaginable method and soon there will be more. I am a strong supporter of stimulating the body’s own regenerative abilities both physically and mentally. Here I see the X-39 patch as a simple and effective method to increase the quality of life.

If you are interested in hearing more about this, you are welcome to join a lecture on the activation of stem cells and the X-39 patch Tuesday the 12th of march 2019 from 18.00-20.00 o’clock at the clinic. Please register by mail: or phone: 678253510.

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