The beautiful spring flowers!
Have you noticed the first signs that spring is on its way? I love those little signals! The beautiful spring flowers peep inquisitively from their winter beds. The young green buds on the trees begin to push their way into life; nature’s mothers get ready to welcome them as yet unborn babies. It’s the time of fresh beginnings and sparkling newness.
Many of us think about cleaning our homes, clearing out wardrobes, or sorting the garden shed, to make way for new things. Perhaps we want to have a different look in our home or just give our own space a fresh feel. But we too feel that desire for newness, for a clean state, for new starts.
Some of us will feel an urge to cleanse the body, with a juice fast or a clean diet, to help re-charge our bodies and cleanse our systems.
But how about our minds? This is the most wonderful time of year to sweep away the cobwebs from the darkest corners of our inner selves; to fling open the windows, and allow that fresh morning air to blow through the corridors of our minds.
There are so many ways to spring clean our inner beings, but perhaps the easiest and most enjoyable way is to do it in harmony with the new life that is bursting forth around us.
Take a walk in the woodlands, in the fields, on the beach. Feel the sun, the wind and the rain against your skin. Feel the earth, the grass and the sands beneath your feet. Inhale the pines, the flowers and the sea deeply into your lungs. Listen to the birdsong, the breeze, or the sea as it enthusiastically meets the shore. 
Open your senses to your surroundings allowing them to be filled with all the beauty, all the richness that mother nature has in store for you. When you walk, do not think of your work, your chores, your responsibilities – leave them for later. Now is the time to exist only as part of nature, and become one with the universe. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in freedom, to receive an abundance of sensory splendor. Dwell in your 5 senses, savoring every morsel, every sent, every feeling, every sight and every sound.
When you return to your daily life, you will do so with a clarity you did not have before. It will make all your thought processes more efficient, helping you make the very best decisions throughout your day.
You will appreciate the things that maybe you walk past each day – a child’s laughter, a dogs tail wagging; the shape of the clouds in the sky. Your life will be richer, your soul will be calmer and your mind will be cleaner.

- Wishing you a wonderful springtime!


The present moment is the only moment available to us, and it is the door to all moments

- Thich Nhat Hanh

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